Marburg Virus Outbreaks in Africa Raise Concerns 

llness caused by Marburg virus begins abruptly, with high fever, severe headache and severe malaise. Muscle aches and pains are a common feature. Severe watery diarrhoea, abdominal pain and cramping, nausea and vomiting can begin on the third day. Image: Getty Images

A series of Marburg outbreaks in Africa have raised concerns about the potential future spread of this deadly disease and how that, in turn, might affect public health in nations around the world. With two outbreaks of the Marburg virus currently ongoing in two parts of Africa, there is a reasonable cause for worry. What… Continue reading Marburg Virus Outbreaks in Africa Raise Concerns 

FDA Advisory Committee Approves RSV Vaccines

2 month old infant, Dylan Elmore, hospitalized for RSV in 2019. Wilmington, North Carolina.

As concerns about the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) continue, an FDA advisory committee recommended this week that the agency approve two vaccines designed to combat the virus for folks 60 and up.  Assuming the vaccines successfully complete the FDA and CDC processes, they will be the first RSV vaccine approved in the United States. The vaccines… Continue reading FDA Advisory Committee Approves RSV Vaccines

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Road Injuries and Road Fatalities

Adobe Stock Photo

While contagious diseases tend to take center stage in discussions of public health, the reality is that physical injuries constitute a valid public health concern. Over the last few years, road injuries have become increasingly common and thus increasingly prominent as a public health issue both in the US and around the world.  In examining… Continue reading Road Injuries and Road Fatalities

Lower Respiratory Infections (LRI) and RSV

RSV symptoms present different in infants, children and adults.

While COVID has occupied a great deal of public attention since its emergence in 2019/2020, in recent months, Lower Respiratory Infections (LRI) and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) have demanded their own share of the limelight. Rates of both have reached concerning levels, and public health discourse is devoting more attention to them. While symptoms and… Continue reading Lower Respiratory Infections (LRI) and RSV

Categorized as Blog

Air Pollution

Office buildings in Beijing shrouded by pollution haze. Photo - Wong/AP

The European Commission has crafted a set of pollution rules for the European Union to implement by 2030. The end goal is to fully eliminate harmful pollutants in the air, water, and soil by 2050. While the fate of this policy and its actual outcomes remains to be seen, it has sparked a renewed focus… Continue reading Air Pollution

COVID-19 Update: January 2023

Jan 6 2023 in Shanghai. With hospitals overwhelmed, patients are being treated in every available space. Image courtesy of Washington Post.

As we move into 2023, the situation globally continues to evolve. The COVID-19 pandemic is likewise changing rapidly, and in some ways, that wasn’t fully anticipated as the previous year came to a close. As new trends, data, and circumstances emerge, projections and guidelines around COVID-19 will need to change, update, and adapt. Similarly, the… Continue reading COVID-19 Update: January 2023

Stories from 2022: Vaccine-Derived Polio

World Health Organization

In spring 2022, public health authorities in both the United States and Great Britain reported the discovery of vaccine-derived poliovirus in several environmental samples from their respective countries. In July, the New York State Department of Health informed the CDC that they had identified a case of polio caused by vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (VDPV2)… Continue reading Stories from 2022: Vaccine-Derived Polio

Ebola Outbreak Reported In Uganda

Ebola outbreak identified in Uganda.

  Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is a rare and deadly illness in humans and nonhuman primates. It was first discovered in 1976 when two outbreaks of a fatal hemorrhagic fever illness occurred in Central Africa. It is thought that the natural host of the virus is fruit bats, but more research is needed to confirm… Continue reading Ebola Outbreak Reported In Uganda

Flu Season is Here: Breakdowns and Projections for 2022-2023

2022-2023 Flu Season is looking to be very very tough. Source: CDC

October marked the official beginning of the 2022-2023 flu season, and signs indicate that it might be active. Although restrictions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic softened the blow for the flu season in 2020 and 2021, things have changed again, and we may all need to be more cautious this fall and winter. The Shape… Continue reading Flu Season is Here: Breakdowns and Projections for 2022-2023

New COVID-19 Booster Shots

On August 31, 2022, the US Food and Drug Administration amended the emergency use authorizations of the Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines. This amendment authorized bivalent formulations of the vaccines for use as a single booster dose. This blog aims to detail how the new COVID-19 booster shots differ from previous formulas, the effectiveness and… Continue reading New COVID-19 Booster Shots

Monkeypox: What You Need to Know

Monkeypox rash on hands. Image courtesy of the CDC. 2022

On July 23, the World Health Organization declared a global health emergency for the second time in two years.  This time, it’s for the monkeypox virus. The virus is endemic and found in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Benin, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Gabon, Cote d’Ivoire, Liberia, Nigeria, and Sierra Leone. Any cases outside of… Continue reading Monkeypox: What You Need to Know

Antibiotic Resistance

In what is considered the most comprehensive global study of bacterial antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the peer-reviewed Lancet Medical Journal found that nearly 5 million deaths in 2019 were associated with antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections. In addition, the study found that drug-resistance bacteria accounted for 1.2 million deaths in 2019 – more than HIV and malaria. COVID-19… Continue reading Antibiotic Resistance