Ebola Outbreak Reported In Uganda

Ebola outbreak identified in Uganda.

  Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) is a rare and deadly illness in humans and nonhuman primates. It was first discovered in 1976 when two outbreaks of a fatal hemorrhagic fever illness occurred in Central Africa. It is thought that the natural host of the virus is fruit bats, but more research is needed to confirm… Continue reading Ebola Outbreak Reported In Uganda

2019 in Review: VIGILINT’s Major Health Stories of the Year

As a global health company, VIGILINT has a unique mission: we work 24/7 to protect the safety, health, and security of travelers around the world. The VIGILINT team writes blog posts to keep clients up-to-date on current global security and health events. From the US measles outbreak to Ebola on the rise, we’re bringing you… Continue reading 2019 in Review: VIGILINT’s Major Health Stories of the Year

2018 in Review: The Major Health Stories of the Year

Photo courtesy of Daniel Acker/Bloomberg via Getty Images. 2018.

From the reemergence of vaccine-preventable diseases to Acute Flaccid Myelitis, we’re bringing you a roundup of the major global health stories of 2018. Reemergence of Measles Measles is a highly contagious, viral illness. During the 1950s, in stark contrast to the present day, almost every American was affected by the measles, with nearly all children suffering a bout… Continue reading 2018 in Review: The Major Health Stories of the Year

The Ongoing Ebola Crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo

News of the 2014-2016 Ebola outbreak in western Africa shocked the world and took international media by storm. Despite international efforts to contain the virus, in the largest outbreak of its kind, the virus took the lives of 11,300 people in Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone. Although no stranger to Ebola and the devastating effects the disease can have on… Continue reading The Ongoing Ebola Crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Ebola’s Social Side Effects: Liberia’s Election and the Lingering Impacts of the Ebola Crisis

A Infected Ebola patient in Liberia in 2004. Source: CNN.com

Two years after its devastating Ebola outbreak, Liberia has been in the global spotlight once again. The African nation’s contested presidential election could result in its first democratic transfer of power after a 12 year tenure from President Ellen Johnson, Africa’s first female elected head of state. In the past three decades, Liberia’s international record… Continue reading Ebola’s Social Side Effects: Liberia’s Election and the Lingering Impacts of the Ebola Crisis