Yellow Fever Epidemic Threatens Brazil

Brazil is no stranger to mosquito-borne diseases, but some outbreaks tend to grasp media coverage and public attention more than others. The 2016 Zika virus outbreak made global headlines when it threatened much of Central and South America and endangered citizens and travelers alike. In the early months of 2016, the World Health Organization declared the Zika virus… Continue reading Yellow Fever Epidemic Threatens Brazil

The Reappearance of Vaccine Preventable Diseases

Human beings have benefited from vaccinations for over two centuries. The introduction of medicine as a pathway to prevent diseases came in 1796 when Edward Jenner, a country doctor from England, discovered that milkmaids who had been infected with cowpox (the first vaccine) did not show symptoms of smallpox. Fast forward to the late 1800’s through the… Continue reading The Reappearance of Vaccine Preventable Diseases

Yemen: A Man-Made Cholera Outbreak

Source: OCHA. Boy awaits treatment in Yemen. June 30, 2017.

Yemen’s cholera outbreak has deep roots in the country’s civil war; warring factions have destroyed sanitation infrastructure and blocked access to critical medical and humanitarian supplies. Cholera is an acute diarrheal infection caused by the ingestion of bacteria present in water and food contaminated with feces. Previous outbreaks in Haiti, Somalia, and the Democratic Republic… Continue reading Yemen: A Man-Made Cholera Outbreak

Epidemiology Report: Mosquito Borne Diseases From Travel

Source: The Aedes Mosquito. September 2, 2015

As VIGILINT has reported, the 2016 Zika outbreak in Central and South America highlighted the threat posed by vector-borne diseases to governments, corporations, and travelers. With the ability to host a number of different diseases, mosquitos cause the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide each year. Increasing global temperatures create more mosquito-friendly habitats,… Continue reading Epidemiology Report: Mosquito Borne Diseases From Travel

Cuts to USAID increase the likelihood of a major global pandemic

With government program funding cuts and key positions left unfilled, the United States is critically unprepared to forestall the emergency of the next global pandemic. A corporation’s internal preparedness pandemic preparedness efforts just became significantly more important. The Trump Administration is proposing a 25% funding cut at the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).… Continue reading Cuts to USAID increase the likelihood of a major global pandemic