Special events present unique medical challenges that require on-the-ground medical support, crisis management and an actionable plan. This case study illustrates the value of VIGILINT’s on-site medical expertise at a global corporation’s retreat in Las Vegas. Note: The corporation and employee’s name have been withheld in accordance with the corporations PR and legal policies.
The Situation:
A male employee in his mid-30’s with a history of stroke and who was wheelchair bound, fell out of bed. VIGILINT’s on-site medical team, including a physician and paramedic, immediately responded to the man’s guest room and their initial evaluation of the patient revealed he was in stable condition, but with clear signs of a recent seizure. During further examination, the patient admitted to having severe abdominal pain the night before which had since resolved.
The Solution:
Given the patient’s extensive medical history of diabetes, stroke, and hypertension, and the clear evidence of a recent seizure, VIGILINT recommended immediate transport to a hospital. Hesitant to deviate from their travel plans, the family initially desired to return home and follow up with their primary care physician. The VIGILINT physician detailed the importance of an immediate and comprehensive medical exam given the possible medical complications that could arise from waiting to obtain an evaluation. After agreeing to transport, the VIGILINT team coordinated all aspects of the patient’s transfer with local EMS and hospitals to have the patient transported and admitted to a private Emergency Department room that was waiting for them upon their arrival.
The patient was evaluated in the Emergency Department and a CT scan of the brain revealed his previous stroke but no new stroke. The patient was noted to have abdominal tenderness and an elevated white blood count. Due to these factors, and the patient’s complaint of abdominal pain the night before, a CT scan of the abdomen was obtained that showed acute appendicitis. Emergency surgery was immediately scheduled to remove his appendix.
Positive Outcomes:
Less than 12 hours after VIGILINT was called for help, the patient received evaluation, transport, and corrective surgery to repair a life-threatening illness. Less than 36 hours after VIGILINT responded, the patient was discharged from the hospital in stable condition and returned home shortly thereafter.
“The VIGILINT on-site team provided immediate medical intervention without disruption to our company’s event. They knew what to do and how to do it and very likely saved our employee’s life.” Manager, Corporate Protective Services.
For more information on VIGILINT’s Special Event Medical Support, please visit our website or call (800) 970-0395 to speak to our sales department.