Active Deployer TMK/Membership

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As a trusted member of our VIGILINT team, we'd like to offer you a Global MedAssist Program (GMAP) membership at a discounted rate.

VIGILINT’s GMAP Solution provides full-spectrum medical support with a depth of resources. Our Medical Operations Center and our physician team stand ready to assist within the ever-changing global landscape and will manage any medical crisis anywhere in the world. VIGILINT’s Travel Medical Kits give our clients the peace of mind that they are equipped with the right medications and physician support to travel safely.

GMAP includes an indemnified aeromedical evacuation policy for bed-to-bed transfer to the hospital of your choice in the United States or Canada or a center of excellence hospital in an emergency. VIGILINT will manage the coordination of all aspects of the medical evacuation, ensuring a safe, reliable, and secure transfer of care.

See below for more details, and reach out to if you have any questions.

Thank you for all that you do, and continue to do for VIGILINT!

Through a single point of contact, global travelers have immediate access to the VIGILINT medical operations center and emergency medicine physicians. Combined with a personalized Travel Medical Kit (TMK) VIGILINT telemedicine packages deliver immediate medical care, one member at a time.

STEP 1: Select membership details (individual/couple).
STEP 2: Review and accept the GMAP program terms and policy agreement, and submit annual membership payment.
STEP 3: Within 24 hours of purchase, you will be contacted to schedule your virtual appointment with your medical provider for your medical intake and prescription of the Travel Medical Kit. Travel Medical Kits will be shipped within 7-10 days after the initial intake.


Deployer GMAP Membership

Annual Membership: TBD
  • Physician In-Take:
    A member of our medical team will meet with you to review medical history and prescribe the medications for the Travel Medical Kit.
  • Travel Medical Kits:
    VIGILINT'S customized Travel Medical Kits (TMKs) are about the size of a shaving kit and include prescription and non-prescription medications and emergency medical supplies. TMKs may be shipped to a business or residence in US or Canada.
  • 24/7 Physician Care:
    One on demand medical consult from a US board certified emergency physician to provide medical advice and prescriptions as needed.
  • Aeromedical Evacuation:*
    GMAP provides indemnified international air ambulance medical transportation to a patient's hospital of choice, coordinating all aspects of the medical evacuation, ensuring a safe, reliable and secure transfer of care.
  • Cleveland Clinic Specialists:
    Access to Cleveland Clinic board-certified specialists and sub-specialists (billable as quoted based on medical situation)